The most beautiful part of 2020
I get it, it sounds like a contradiction.
And to be honest, this post might seem a little idealistic. But I, and I assume many reading this, feel the need to have hope now more than ever. Some days it feels like we’ll always be stuck in this divisive, COVID-stricken world. I’ve had to really make an effort to separate myself from it all from time to time.
2020 was the year of universal grief. I have no doubt in my mind that if you are reading this right now, you lost something in 2020. Whether it be a loved one, a job, an experience, your ambition, your passion, or even just yourself for a little bit. But with universal grief, we have an opportunity for something incredible.
The opportunity for universal healing.
2021 will not solve all of our problems or challenges overnight. We might still disagree with one another, combat feelings of hopelessness or anger. But I truly hope this year is a time when everyone decides to practice more compassion, understanding and generosity. To listen, respect and uplift one another despite our differences.