It’s not about big leaps. It’s about taking small steps.
Coming up with an idea or catching that spark of motivation is an awesome feeling! Those “aha!” lightbulb moments are the catalyst for some of the most ambitious goals you set for yourself. These goals can be anything from deciding to run a marathon or pushing yourself to read one book moth.
But what happens after the “aha” moment?
When you have the big picture of success in your head, it’s easy to get impatient when you don’t see results right away. You might get discouraged and even wonder why you had this idea in the first place. Your brain snowballs…”It’s too much work…I’m not smart enough…I’m not good enough…It seems like I’ve made no progress…I’m over this” If you’ve had these thoughts recently - hold up!
Don’t fool yourself into thinking you’ll reach your goal in two or three big steps. You reach your goals by working toward them a little bit more each and every day. This applies even if you don’t have a specific goal you’re working toward. Maybe you’re looking to implement a new habit or just make some time for your hobbies or spending time with your family.
It’s like brushing your teeth. Doing it once or twice a week doesn’t really help you. Doing it once a week for three hours doesn’t help either. It’s the two minutes of brushing every single day that whiten, brighten and keep your teeth as healthy as can be. The same goes for your goals - no matter how big or small! If you’re trying to read a book a month, read 10 pages a day. If you want to become more active, go for a walk or do 10 jumping jacks every day. Don’t burn yourself out with giant chunks of action. You’ve made a decision to try something new. That’s awesome in itself!